Mobile Phone Abbreviations

Our comprehensive resource compiles over 300 essential abbreviations related to mobile phones and mobile technology. This meticulously curated list offers straightforward explanations for each abbreviation, helping you demystify the complex jargon of the mobile tech world. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast, a mobile device user, or a professional in the field, our page is your one-stop reference guide for unlocking the meanings behind common and specialized abbreviations. Stay informed and confident in your mobile tech discussions with this invaluable resource at your fingertips.


Popular phones

AbbreviationDefinition/Expanded Form
1GFirst-generation (of mobile networks)
2.5GSecond and a half-generation (of mobile networks)
2DTwo dimensional
2GSecond generation (of mobile networks)
3DThree dimensional
3GThird generation (of mobile networks)
3GPP3rd Generation Partnership Project
4GFourth generation (of mobile networks)
4G+Long Term Evolution Advanced/Advanced Pro
4KFour thousand (resolution/pixels horizontally)
5GFifth Generation (of mobile networks)
5GCN5G Cloud Native (core network)
5GHz5 GigaHertz frequency band

ADSLAsymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
AMAmplitude Modulation
AMPSAdvanced Mobile Phone System
APACAsia Pacific
APIApplication Programming Interface
APNAccess Point Name
ARFCNAbsolute Radio Frequency Channel Number
ARPUAverage Revenue Per User
ATMAsynchronous Transfer Mode
ATMAutomated Teller Machine
AuCAuthentication Centre

B2BBusiness to Business
B2CBusiness to Consumer
BAUBusiness As Usual
BCBusiness Case
BoMBill of Materials
BRDBusiness Requirements Document
BRSBusiness Requirements Specification
BSCBase Station Controller
BSSBase Station Subsystem
BSSBusiness Support Systems
BTSBase Transceiver Station
BUBusiness Unit

C Level“Chief” Level (executives)
C NetzFunktelefonnetz C (Radio Telephone Network C)
CAPEXCapital Expenditure
CCTVClosed Circuit Television
CDCompact Disc
CDMACode Division Multiple Access
CDMA2000Code Division Multiple Access 2000
cdmaONECode Division Multiple Access One
CDRCall Detail Record
CEOChief Executive Officer
CETCentral European Time
CFOChief Finance Officer
CIOChief Information Officer
CIOTCellular Internet of Things
CLICalling Line Identity
CMOChief Marketing Officer
CNR (C/N)Carrier to Noise Ratio
COOChief Operations Officer
CoPClose of Play
CPECustomer Premise Equipment
CPUCentral Processing Unit
CRMCustomer Relationship Management
CSCircuit Switched
CSDCircuit Switched Data
CSPCommunications Service Provider
CSSRCall Setup Success Rate
CSVComma Separated Values
CTOChief Technology Officer
CXCustomer Experience

D–AMPSDigital Advanced Mobile Phone System
DASDistributed Antenna Systems
DECTDigital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications
DPIDeep Packet Inspection
DSLDigital Subscriber Line
DSPDigital Signal Processing
DSSDynamic Spectrum Sharing
DVDDigital Versatile Disc

EBITDAEarnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation
EDGEEnhanced Data rates for Global Evolution
E-GPRSEnhanced General Packet Radio Service
E-GSMExtended GSM (band)
EIREquipment Identity Register
eMBBEnhanced Mobile Broadband or Extreme Mobile Broadband
eMBMSEvolved Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service
EMEAEurope, the Middle East and Africa
eNBEvolved Node B
eNodeBEvolved Node B
EoBEnd of Business
EPCEvolved Packet Core (core network)
eSIMEmbedded SIM
EULAEnd-User License Agreement
EVDOEvolution-Data Optimised

FATFactory Acceptance Test
FCCFederal Communications Commission
FCFFree Cash Flow
FDDFrequency Division Duplex
FDMAFrequency Division Multiple Access
FHDFull High Definition (Full HD)
FMFrequency Modulation
FOAFirst Office Application
FTEFull-time Equivalent
FTPFile Transfer Protocol
FTTCFibre to the cabinet
FTTHFibre to the home
FTTPFibre to the premises
FYFiscal Year

GbpsGigabits per second
GERANGSM EDGE Radio Access Network
GGSNGateway GPRS Support Node
GIFGraphics Interchange Format
GMSCGateway Mobile Switching Centre
gNBNext Generation Node B
gNodeBNext Generation Node B
GPRSGeneral Packet Radio Service
GPSGlobal Positioning System
GRNGoods Receipt Note
GSMGlobal System for Mobile Communications
GUIGraphics User Interface

HDHigh Definition
HDMIHigh-Definition Multimedia Interface
HDTVHigh Definition Television
HLDHigh-Level Design
HLRHome Location Register
HQHead Quarter(s)
HRHuman Resources
HSCSDHigh-Speed Circuit-Switched Data
HSDPAHigh-Speed Downlink Packet Access
HSPAHigh-Speed Packet Access
HSPA+Evolved High-Speed Packet Access or HSPA Evolution
HSSHome Subscriber Server
HSUPAHigh-Speed Uplink Packet Access
HTMLHypertext Markup Language
HTTPHypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTPSHypertext Transfer Protocol over SSL

IaaSInfrastructure as a Service
ICIntegrated Circuit
ICCIDIntegrated Circuit Card Identifier
ICTInformation and Communications Technology
IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IMInstant Messaging
IMAPInternet Message Access Protocol
IMEIInternational Mobile Equipment Identity
IMSIP Multimedia Subsystem
IMSIInternational Mobile Subscriber Identity
IoTInternet of Things
IOTInteroperability Testing
IPIntellectual Property
IPInternet Protocol
IP PBXInternet Protocol Private Branch Exchange
IPSIn Plane Switching
IPTVInternet Protocol Television
IPv4Internet Protocol version 4
IPv6Internet Protocol version 6
IRATInter Radio Access Technology
IRRInternal Rate of Return
IS-95Interim Standard 1995
ISDNIntegrated Services Digital Network
ISOInternational Organization for Standardization
ISPInternet Service Provider
ISVIndependent Software Vendor
ITInformation Technology
ITILInformation Technology Infrastructure Library
ITUInternational Telecommunications Union
IVRInteractive Voice Response

JPEGJoint Photographic Experts Group

KbpsKilobits per second
KPIKey Performance Indicators
KQIKey Quality Indicators

LANLocal Area Network
LCDLiquid Crystal Display
LEDLight Emitting Diode
LLDLow-Level Design
LoSLine of Sight
LTELong Term Evolution
LTE+Long Term Evolution Advanced/Advanced Pro
LTE-ALong-Term Evolution Advanced
LTE-A ProLong-Term Evolution Advanced Pro

M2MMachine to Machine
MANMetropolitan Area Network
MbpsMegabits per second
MIMOMultiple Input Multiple Output
MMEMobility Management Entity
MMSMultimedia Messaging Service
mMTCMassive Machine Type Communication
MNOMobile Network Operator
MoIPMobile communications over Internet Protocol
MoUMemorandum of Understanding
MoUMinutes of Use
MP4Moving Picture Experts Group 4 (MPEG4)
MPEGMoving Picture Experts Group
MPLSMulti-Protocol Label Switching
MRDMarketing Requirements Document
MRSMarketing Requirements Specification
MSCMobile Switching Centre
MSISDNMobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number
MU-MIMOMulti-User Multiple Input Multiple Output
MVNOMobile Virtual Network Operator

NDANon Disclosure Agreement
NFCNear Field Communications
NFVNetwork Function Virtualisation
ng-eNodeBNext Generation Evolved Node B
NG-RANNext Generation Radio Access Networks
NMTNordisk MobilTelefoni (Nordic Mobile Telephone)
NOCNetwork Operations Centre
Non LOSNon Line of Sight
NPDNew Product Development
NPVNet Present Value
NRNew Radio
NSANon-Stand-Alone (5G)
NSSNetwork Switching System (NSS)

OEMOriginal Equipment Manufacturer
OFDMOrthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
OFDMAOrthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access
OLEDOrganic Light Emitting Diode
OMCOperations and Maintenance Centre
OMC-ROperations & Maintenance Centre-Radio
OpCoOperating Company (e.g. Mobile operator)
OPEXOperational Expenditures
OpsOperations department
OSOperating System
OSIOpen System Interconnection
OSSOperations Support Systems (aka Operational Support Systems)
OTTOver The Top

PaaSPlatform as a Service
PACPorting Authorisation Code
PAYGPay As You Go
PBXPrivate Branch Exchange
PCPersonal Computer
PCRFPolicy and Charging Rules Function
PDAPersonal Digital Assistant
PDN-GWPacket Data Network Gateway
PESQPerceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality
P-GSMPrimary GSM band
PINPersonal Identification Number
PLMNPublic Land Mobile Network
PMOProject Management Office
PNGPortable Networks Graphics
POPurchase Order
PoCProof of Concept
PRDProduct Requirements Document
PSPacket Switched
PSTNPublic Switched Telephone Network
PUKPersonal Unlocking Key

QAQuality Assurance
QAMQuadrature Amplitude Modulation
QoEQuality of Experience
QoSQuality of Service

R&DResearch & Development
RAGRed, Amber, Green
RAMRandom Access Memory
RANRadio Access Network
RFRadio Frequency
RFIRequest For Information
RFPRequest For Proposal
RFQRequest For Quotation
RMAReturn Merchandise Authorisation
RNCRadio Network Controller
ROIReturn On Investment
ROMRead-Only Memory

SAStand-Alone (5G)
SaaSSoftware as a Service
SARSpecific Absorption Rate
SBAService-Based Architecture
SC-FDMASingle Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access
SDKSoftware Development Kit
SDMService Delivery Manager
SDMASpace Division Multiple Access
SDNSoftware-Defined Networking
SDTVStandard Definition Television
SGSNServing GPRS Support Node
S-GWServing Gateway
SIMSubscriber Identity Module
SIMOSIM Only (deal)
SIPSession Initiation Protocol
SISOSingle Input Single Output
SLAService Level Agreement
SMBSmall Medium Business
SMESmall Medium Enterprise
SMESubject Matter Expert
SMSShort Message Service
SNRSignal to Noise Ratio
SoHoSmall Office Home Office
SoWStatement/Scope of Work
SPoCSingle Point of Contact
SS7Signalling System 7
SSIDService Set Identity
SSLSecure Sockets Layer
STBSet-Top Box
SU-MIMOSingle-User Multiple Input Multiple Output
SWOTStrengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats

TACSTotal Access Communications System
TCOTotal Cost of Ownership
TCPTransmission Control Protocol
TDDTime Division Duplex
TDMATime Division Multiple Access
TelcoTelecommunications company
TNTwisted Nematic
TTMTime To Market

UATUser Acceptance Testing
UCUnified Communications
UEUser Equipment
UHDUltra High Definition
UIUser Interface
UMTSUniversal Mobile Telecommunication System
UPSUninterrupted Power Supply
URLUniform Resource Locator
uRLLCUltra-Reliable Low Latency Communication
USBUniversal Serial Bus
USIMUniversal Subscriber Identity Module
USPUnique Selling Proposition or Unique Selling Point
UTRANUniversal Terrestrial Radio Access Network
UXUser Experience

VASValue-Added Services
VATValue Added Tax
VGAVideo Graphics Array
VIRVolume Incentive Rebate
VLRVisitor Location Register
VLSIVery Large Scale Integration
VoDVideo On Demand
VoIPVoice over Internet Protocol
VoLTEVoice over Long Term Evolution
VoNRVoice over New Radio
VoWiFiVoice over WiFi
VPNVirtual Private Network
VROMVery Rough Order of Magnitude

WANWide Area Network
WAPWireless Application Protocol
WCDMAWideband Code Division Multiple Access
WebRTCWeb Real-Time Communication
Wi-Fi 6WiFi 6th generation
WiMAXWorldwide interoperability for Microwave Access

XMLExtensible Markup Language
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